For Hedi Rudd, the decision to vote is both personal and powerful. In her award-winning essay for the 2020 “Why Vote?” project contest, she writes of the significance of her vote:
“My vote will tell my children and grandchildren that I stood against corruption and racism and that I don’t ignore the past but learn from it. My vote will tell my friends that I care about their access to healthcare and immigration reform. It will tell my neighbors that I believe in their right to protest, their right to housing and their right to hold leaders accountable. It will tell the world that humanity and our planet are sacred.”
Read the full article at: https://news.continuingstudies.wisc.edu/odyssey-project-students-and-local-leaders-to-celebrate-voting-at-online-event/?fbclid=IwAR1RK8_el1hUq_9bUzhvQ-gay0RjKT30avzoOFqOhxkFq45QRVODGPxkseo