COVID‑19 hit home for Odyssey last month as even our online Odyssey Beyond Bars classes were suspended due to the complete quarantine mandated to stop the rampant spread of the virus in state prisons. More of our Class of 2021 Odyssey students tested positive and grieved the loss of loved ones. Sunni wrote, “I was really sick in the hospital for three days, with low oxygen and every symptom there was to have. I am terrified about getting COVID again, but I’m already back to work as a CNA working with COVID patients. Helping others warms my heart. I just try to stay positive.”
Burnett admitted, “I never thought COVID‑19 could knock on my door and take over. I felt alone. I thank God and the UW Odyssey Project for the love and support I get from them. It’s unconditional, and it helps me feel the courage to keep going.”
Along with all their classmates, Sunni, Burnett, Michelle, Farren, Asia, Yvonne and their children in Odyssey Junior received gift bags in December from generous donors featuring books, UW‑themed mugs with hot chocolate, hats and scarves, and gift cards. Thank you to all those who helped us brighten a dark year! If you want to help our students stay focused on their dreams, you can donate to the Odyssey Family Fund.